Monday, April 2, 2012

It's just A Poem

It’s just a poem,

It’s just some words,

It’s just some chords,

And just some cries.

It’s just a poem,

It’s just some feelings,

Just some deep unknown meanings,

And some memories of some weepings,

It’s just a poem,

It’s just some silent shouts,

It’s just some water from the clouds,

And some pain doing the rounds.

It’s just a poem,

Its just what’s left of mine,

It’s just some blood and cold whine,

And some worthless words that shine.

It’s just a poem,

A heartless and desperate line,

No plea for anyone kind,

Just a poem with all heart and no mind.

A new start

Everyone deserves a nice life. A life full of happiness and fun where he can just be himself and not think about what’s going on anywhere else. But how many of us get it? They all say that happiness is with you. You decide whether you want to be happy. But how true is that? God I have tried to be happy every time. But there are these so called philosophers that insist that happiness is inside you. What I have realized in life is that either you can be yourself or you can be happy. Just being yourself in inversely related to you being happy. No one wants you to be the person who u really are. And if you do behave the way u really are, u are asked questions as to what you have become.

They say we all have a “Theory of mind” that is we have a pretty good estimate of what other person is thinking. But really do we? Who cares what other person is thinking?

Its questions like this that troubles me a lot of times. And it all feels like a cycle. Cycle of short lived happiness followed by troubles and problems, followed by questioning myself and my way of life and then a new start….

Monday, January 10, 2011

Is it the conscience??

Perhaps an overdose of psychological movies or the mere physical presence in a location that boasts of unraveling brain mysteries has lead me to this title. The grandeur of brain being the seat of secrets and the source of unimaginable power seems so overrated to me. When on one half of the balance we keep the potential of unleashing limitless power while on the other half we keep the self devastating inner core that razes down even the mightiest of achievements.

My statements might seem so trivial but its so evident when our own conscience is burning us down. You may fight the world from outside but what if your own self has disowned it!!

Whatever cardinal sin it might be, jealousy, hatred, lascivious act, it catches up with you. So why are driven to such things??. what makes us not follow what is right and what is not? Is the definition of right so screwed that we fail to comprehend it. Perhaps the fault is with the conscience itself. First it lets us drown into vile and depraved caverns and then when we wake up, it castigates us for the sin we just committed... Perhaps....

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Insecurities of life...

Life is strange. i always thought i was the 1 complex and perplexed. but the truth is that no 1 is spared from the vagaries of life. we all no matter how cool may project ourselves, get worried crazily over something or the other. what we get crazy on differs from person to person. Even the seemingly coolest person has insecurities, whether it is regarding his future, his girl friend/ boy friend or regarding his friend circle. many a times our biggest asset of living in groups becomes our worst nightmare.

Being in a relationship is demanding, we have to do stuff that we don't want to do just to stay in the relation. we are regularly infested with insecurities of being left alone, left behind. Alone at the junctions of life crying out silent tears for help and praying that he/she would listen, would notice.

life is complex and if u thought u have seen enough, experienced enough emotions, learned how to live in relations and avoid confrontations, u are so wrong!!!
Guess we would never be able to crystallize the essence and secret for being happy in a relation at all points.....