Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Top 10 Myths/wrong notions about me!!!

Over the time people have made certain notions about me that are too far from truth...
i'd just like to clear them...

  1. I am a very patient but abnormal and crazy Guy…Wrong!!!

I am a very impatient guy who can’t wait for anything… I can’t stand mysteries. I try to complete all my jobs as soon as possible.and except a few occasions of crazy drive...totally normal!!!

  1. I am a Big Flirt!!!(a lot of boys and gals think that)……Biggest lie...

Probably the way I say things may suggest m 1 but m not…. I rarely hit on a gal seriously. So gals next time you think I hitting on you…just be sure.. I may be just talking to you!!!

  1. I study 24x7…misconception…….Like other engineers I just study before exams…P.S. marks in the college are in no way related to how intelligent (or stupid )you are.

  1. I am a snob???totally untrue…… I just prefer to talk lesser to people and keep to myself.. But I’ll help you if there is a problem even if I don’t know you… you just have to approach …

  1. I am taking GRE….Not true… I love my country!!!( not that who are taking the test don’t!!)

  1. I have lots of contacts and talk a lot to a lot of gals….Farthest from truth……I don’t talk to any gal on phone on any basis…

  1. I am getting married???Hell no…M Not even engaged!! It was my Bro's marriage which some people for their vested interests rumored to be mine...

  1. I attend all the classes..bunk no class….Not true..m not that sincere to studies.

  1. i am pretty organised????NO WAY....come and check my room and u'll say no more...

  1. Finally the biggest Myth.........I HAVE A GF?? TOTALLY FALSE... STILL SINGLE.......

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Anger - reliever or destroyer???

Life is difficult many a times...It shows us a lot of its vagaries...Some times its beautiful but some other day, some other time you feel chucking everything for good...

One disadvantage of being introvert is that some disturbing issues get imprisoned in the mind...Which then churn your soul, searching for a solution.

When many such issues get stacked you feel like being smothered by the indomitable strength of your conscience. A war is being waged inside of you while people watch and admire your smiles and your refreshing energy...

Keeping to oneself is a great teacher...It teaches how to absorb humiliation,a hard word or comment, a bad break up, a heated argument,a hurting statement from a friend...But above all it teaches to calm the anger...

Most of the times i brush away anger by turning it into a joke...But some times it relapses...unwilling to be cowed down by any argument...which sometimes brings me to a situation where my personality begins to show changes...i get irritated at slightest pretext...the things which earlier used to be a mere joke now sends tsunamis in the mind and attracts a high pitched tone... filled with vengeance....

This brings me to the most important question!!! Is anger (preached by the wise to be the ruiner of everything) a reliever from the pain,a breath of freedom from the stress, an instance of uprising from within? or a passive killer that eats away a person???

Getting angry is not what i am very good at...Probably thats why i don't practice it much!!!!
Anger they say is the immoral of all...that depraves the mind making it intoxicated which then ceases to see any logic or hear any rational thought...

On the other hand, being angry lets out the frustration that is hell bent on bursting like a crater...It is a vent that lets the inner emotions see the outside light...

Probably anger is the red monster we like to become at times and its perfectly normally to be angry but it has to be controlled so that we know when to stop...lest it should ruin our lives for good!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Binary life

In this age of computer technology, we have 1's and 0's every where...The whole world relies on the immense power of this zero and one. These are the latest toys of modern man!!!

But history has it that many a times the games a man plays, is played on him in turn!!!!
Our present life has in many ways become like these inanimate zero's and 1's, where a 1 is the indication of happiness and zero being the bottomless sea of sadness....

The life conforms to either of these....either we are happy or we are in sad mood...

Probably its the kind of surrounding we have...the 1 our life is emulating...Either it makes us happy, jump with joy and the next time plunge us in the deepest and darkest of gorges...smothering the life out of us...

May be we need to rise above all, know the real truth, not the 1 life presents us...But our own truth that helps us comprehend where we are headed...So that we may spring up a smile when situations force us into a grin...So that we may laugh at our helplessness...